Election outcome
Well, it is the day after election day, and here in Virginia we are
still not sure who won the senate race. Democrat Jim Webb leads
Republican George Allen by about 7,000 votes; a recount is for
sure in the works, so we should know who our senator is by
Christmas if all goes well. Another senatorial race is very close,
the one in Montana, although CNN has projected the winner to
be the Democratic candidate. The Democrats got control of the
House, and depending on if the 2 above mentioned Senate race
results stand, they'll get the Senate too. Well well, nice condemnation
of President Bush and his policies by the voters. I'll be honest, I tend
to lean and vote Republican. But the Republican party of today is
NOT the Republican party of Ronald Reagan; they have become too
conservative and detached from the people. All the various scandals
and questionable cast of characters didn't help. On the other hand,
the Democrats finally had a few moderate candidates, rather than the
usual host of borderline socialist figures, and hence won a favorable
outcome. This result should wake the GOP up and make them realize
that they have to clean house, become more moderate, and get back to
the grassroots. There had been a slow erosion of the party over the last
12 years.....last night's results were the culmination of this slow erosion.
The Republicans need to dust themselves off and start over soon, as it
will be just a matter of time until the Democrats demonstrate that they
have no clear agenda or strategy, which will allow the Republicans to
regain control in 2 years IF they have their act together by then.....and
that's a BIG IF. The first step was taken today with the "resignation"
of defense secretary Rumsfeld, but many more steps must be taken to
right the tilting ship. Hang on for a bumpy ride!
technorati tags:Election, House, Senate, Virginia, Democrat, Republican, CNN
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