nice....very nice!
Do any of you remember that adorable little cartoon about a penguin
named Chilly Willy? He didn't speak very much, but there was one
episode where he was getting all the fish he wanted, and at one point
he said 'nice, very nice' in just the cutest little voice! Has stuck with
me ever since. Anyway, nice, very nice is how I would like to describe
today. After ridiculously COLD weather last week, we are in the 60's
in central Virginia today. Hope everyone is enjoying it. I sure am. My
husband and I went for a walk earlier, came across a guy with a little
puppy, looked like a Boxer maybe, cute little thing. Then some dudes
were throwing and hitting some softballs around at the local park we
live near. Almost felt like spring, not mid-December. Something else
rather nice, if you like spy/espionage thrillers, is the new season of
the Showtime series called 'Sleeper Cell'. We got hooked on it during
the first season late last year. Yes, I know you need to pay extra to
have Showtime as part of your TV package, but the series is only 8
episodes long, so you watch and record them, then cancel the sub-
scription! (that is what my husband and I do each year when 'The
Sopranos' new season starts on HBO!) 'Sleeper Cell' is about an
undercover FBI agent who infiltrates terrorist sleeper cells in order
to discover and prevent terror attacks on American soil. The agent
is an American Muslim, and part of the show focuses on his internal
struggle to balance his religion and his job. It is a very well done
series, keeping you guessing and on edge with all the exciting twists
and turns. I don't watch an excessive amount of TV, sticking mainly
to the news and sports (especially football)....but I can't resist a cool
spy story, or the occasional cute Chilly Willy cartoon!

Chilly Willy used to be my FAVORITE cartoon! How cute is he? It made me want to move to Alaska and find one of my own! And I despise the cold.I'm gonna call before I stop by this week to make sure you are there and can pay attention to me...we all know how much attention I need!! :)
~your beautiful faithfull reader michelle~
just a needy, needy person you are,
but at least you like Chilly Willy!
Chilly Willy used to be my FAVORITE cartoon! How cute is he? It made me want to move to Alaska and find one of my own! And I despise the cold.I'm gonna call before I stop by this week to make sure you are there and can pay attention to me...we all know how much attention I need!! :)
~your beautiful faithfull reader michelle~
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