Not Your Everyday News

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Food and Fashion

I have a video camera, a digital camera, and a cell phone with a
camera, yet I am constantly missing some unreal shots. Last night
our ex-work release jailbird, Kathy, who was enjoying a day off,
went clothes shopping for current work release jailbird Annie.
See, Annie, as of yesterday, has exactly 2 months to go before she
too experiences freedom. She apparently has been fretting about
what to wear the day she gets out; she wants a nice, good looking
outfit and thus got Kathy to go shopping for her. So Kathy walked
into the restaurant (albeit a bit on the intoxicated side after too
many glasses of wine!) with about 3 bags chock full of various
outfits for Annie to try on; the plan was that Kathy would keep the
ones she liked until the big day and return the others. So the
restaurant staff, as well as a couple of regular customers, got
treated to a fashion show by Annie; the Paris and Milan runways
had nothing on the restaurant last night! Fortunately we weren't
busy at the time, so no customers got neglected. The winning outfit
was a sharp looking dark blue pin-striped pantsuit with a form
fitting white top and dark blue open toed heels. There was also a
nice springy sleeveless white dress with a floral design that was
cute. Our gals may have had some legal difficulties in the past,
but they aren't slouches when it comes to style!


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