And the beat goes on...
Wow, so much has happened in the last 5 months, and almost none of it
good. Hubby fell and broke his wrist Christmas Eve; the break was so
severe that it required surgery after the holidays. He had also been
complaining about the vision in his left eye - turns out he had a cataract,
so another surgery there. The good news is that he sees great now, and
his wrist is mending well; there is a plate in there with 5 screws, but he
has regained most of his mobility and about 1/2 of his strength. The
physical therapy continues. Last and unfortunately least, yours truly
has lost her job at the local restaurant that I wrote about so often in
these pages. There was a change in ownership, and apparently I rubbed
the new owner the wrong way; we have totally different personalities,
styles, and ways of doing things. The experiment of cooperation lasted
a while, but it had become clear the last few months, as more and more
changes were being made to a restaurant that didn't need change, that
a divorce was imminent. Sure enough, 2 weeks ago I handed over my
set of keys. It has been a painful 2 weeks. I miss it. I miss the drama of
the staff, the food, and most of all, my regular customers, the ones who
came in when they saw the red car parked outside, the ones who came
in at set times certain days of the week, thrilled to see a 'reserved' sign
on 'their' table, the ones who pretended to come in give me a hard time
but in reality to chit chat for a bit and shoot the breeze. I miss my peeps,
and I hate the new owner for taking them away from me. Hopefully some,
if not all, of them will follow me to my next place of employment; I
should know where that will be in the next week or 2. I thought of a
return to teaching, but unfortunately, there is not alot of demand for
history teachers these days. Seems like all the openings are in science,
math, or Spanish (and we all know why everyone needs to learn Spanish
now don't we?). Anyway, I may or may not return to blogging, I have
been having some fun on Twitter now, but that might just be a fad, time
will tell. In any case, the little red Mazda, her husband, and her great dog
Lady continue to roll on.
