Soccer galore

Every 2 years hubby and I get all worked up about a
big soccer tourney. Two years ago we had the World
Cup, won by Italy; four years ago we had the European
Cup, won by Greece! They are 2 of the 3 countries
closest to our hearts (along with the United States of
course). Well, this year the European Championship
takes center stage again. Hence, since last Saturday,
we have planned our days around soccer matches,
thankfully being shown on ESPN 2. The games will go
on for about a month, basically killing our social life,
but bringing our sporting side a needed fix (since soccer,
football, and basketball seasons are over). Unfortunately
both Italy and Greece lost their opening matches, but
both have 2 matches to go before the elimination round,
so it's not over yet! Go Italia and Hellas!
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