Happy Birthday!
And many happy returns - to my husband! My sweet hubby is
celebrating his __ birthday today. I am not about to reveal his
age, he wouldn't be pleased, and then folks would begin to
speculate about mine! (although I will say he is about 10 years
older - yeah, I like 'em mature!) Despite the bad weather, we
went to the capital city today for some shopping and lunch. In
the midst of all that, while walking in one of my favorite malls,
we came across a hair salon, so I dragged him in there for a much
needed haircut too, (and he looks ggggrrrreat!) so all in all a fun
and full day! When we got home, hubby had a cute surprise in the
mail, a funny (and tad naughty!) birthday card from those cards,
the Thompsons! (thanks for thinking of him) And to top things
off, they came over for a bit to help us celebrate...nice to have
good friends. So happy birthday hubby, tanti auguri (best wishes
in Italian)!
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