Well, this is post #300 to my blog....I would have gone over 300 by
now had I not taken my little hiatus, but anyway. I did promise to
catch y'all up on the exploits of Lola, that wandering soul. As
reported late spring, she left the wilds of Alaska (bringing me a
great T-shirt in the process!), and proceeded to get involved with
that summer job she enjoyed during past summers, driving trucks
full of camping gear up and down the Eastern seaboard. The plan
originally was that after the summer job ended, she was going to
move to Philadelphia with Nora, that equally outrageous gal pal of
hers that I may have mentioned here in the past (another brainy but
bizarre character!). But then Lola's family, and soon Lola herself,
began to doubt this move, considering Philly's rather high crime
rate, and general dinginess of the City of Brotherly Love. In the
meantime, Lola had some friends in Seattle, Washington who invited
her to come to visit at summer's end, which she did, and proceeded
to decide that she needed to move to the Pacific Northwest (which in
relative terms, is not all that far from Alaska, considering). So good
riddance to Philly, much to the chagrin of Nora, hello Seattle. I think
Lola has been there about a week now, crashing with her friends
while she tries to find her own place (not easy considering she still
has her greyhound, that large yet very unassuming canine). She has
found a part-time job driving a charter bus, but is still on the hunt
for a real job. Lola does love the fact that Seattle seems to be chock
full of drag queens, including some dressed as nuns (the Catholic
Church better not hear about that!); drag queens are a great source
of amusement for both Lola and myself. We love, and are totally
amazed by, men who can pull off more feminine looks and moves
than we, the real women, can! But hey, at least our headlights are
REAL....no drag queen can say that!
You may want to censor this one:
But, there ya go.
Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can say that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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