Not Your Everyday News

Friday, September 01, 2006


ok, Roxanne did get a ticket from the cop that pulled her over the other
day, but strangely enough, not for speeding, but for a tail light being out.
You know, the way I see it, if you are going to get a ticket from the cops, it
should be for zooming, not for a dumb light bulb! Anyway....Screwy Louie
did not come in last night, and it was funny, some of the staff even talked
about him, wondering if he would be in and wanting to see the look on
his face when he saw me. But I guess the rains kept him away, (can't very
wash your car with this deluge going on, hot water or not!) it has been
non-stop for most of yesterday and so far today as well. Think it will be like
this all day unfortunately, but at least the reservoir will fill up. I did get to
see Mrs. Reagan last night, she came in for dinner looking kind of so-so,
but thankfully her spirits improved as the evening went on. Michelle also
made a brief appearence with some other pals of hers, I am sure I'll get to
see her over the weekend. That strange woman I once mentioned here,
Rose, came in for dinner, wearing these weird looking shoes, the heels
looked like they had big round rubber springs on them! I didn't dare ask
what on earth they were for, have learned my lesson about asking her
questions! No word from Lola, but probably won't hear from her until she
hits Alaska, which should be sometime over the weekend I am assuming.
In one of her last calls she did tell me about her dog not being particularly
pleased with the whole experience - poor thing, he has no idea what is
about to happen to him, a skinny bony greyhound in the middle of Alaska?
Lola may have to go bear hunting to procure for him a nice rug and blanket!
Oops, did I just offend some animal rights people? sorry - but I did see a
joke the other day that said 'vegetarian' was an old Indian word meaning
'poor hunting abilities'!


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