Onesole Sandals
Today's blog post comes courtesy of a visit by the always entertaining
Lisa and Peter to the restaurant. Lisa, who is a borderline shopaholic
(just short of having to enter therapy!), came in showing off her new
stylish sandals. They were a zebra print, with naturally matched her
purse and blouse. But that's not all! She then whipped out these black
purse and blouse. But that's not all! She then whipped out these black
pieces of material that looked like swatches, covered with multi-
colored rhinestones. Turns out Lisa had just hit a fashion show at one
of the high-end woman's clothing boutiques here in town. Some lady
from Florida was there, touting her comfortable, fashionable sandals.
The kicker (ooohh, bad pun there!) is that you can change the tops of
the sandals with a different color, design, decoration, practically any-
thing. The tops are removable; they attach at 4 points with snaps.
Lisa bought the 2 designs I mentioned above and is ready to buy
more I believe! She then gave me the website to check out, and sure
enough, I saw dozens upon dozens of designs, even holiday motifs and
university logos. Furthermore, you can send in a picture, color, or
design, and the company will make custom tops for you; mono-
grammed tops are available as well. There are different selections for
the soles too. Basically, with 4 snaps, you can go from dressy to casual,
or vise-versa, in no time - it's a snap! They are a little pricey, but for
the big sandal wearer, this is a clever idea.....leave it to Lisa to
uncover something odd but neat! Click on the title of this post to go
to the website - take a peek for yourselves!
Labels:, sandals, shoes
I agree that the sandals are stylist. I am providing a word of warning to the buyer: "Beware!." I purchased a pair, but they were defective. I decided to just return them based on thie defect. Well, the company does not take refunds. I decided to exchange them and did everything that the customer service person indicated that I should. The exchange was "lost" and I was told "there is nothing we can do." I am out $120.00. Beware!
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