Cell phones

epic. Seems like everyone has at least one,
including children, and that most folks seem

features. Unfortunately my husband is not immune
to this phenomena. As I have mentioned in the past,
he is an electronics junkie, always interested in the
new and latest thing out there. Well, last week his
interest was directed towards phones, both cell and for the home.
We have been with our cell phone provider for several years now,
and he was perusing their website the other day. He came across
a link where it stated that we could upgrade our phones for free;
naturally he jumped on that and proceeded to to tell me all about
it! I have been very happy with my phone, an old Nokia without
bells and whistles, just a normal phone. I have always had Nokia
phones, even when I was living overseas. As I am not the most
technologically inclined person, I found that they were easy to use,
very reliable, and withstood being dropped occasionally. Anyway,
hubby has had his eye on one of the Motorola phones for a while, so
this was his chance to get it. I told him he was more than welcome to
do as he wished, but that I did NOT need a new phone. My friend
Lola has a Motorola, and when she was still in town, I would play
with it occasionally and found it very confusing, thus my aversion to
such a phone. Well, hubby found the way to get me to upgrade my
phone too, by pointing out that there was a Nokia model available for
free as well! So since this past weekend we have new phones, Nokia
for me, Motorola for him, both with all the bells and whistles -
camera, video, bluetooth (whatever that is), internet capable, fancy
ringtones and wallpapers, voice dialing and recorder, speakerphone,
handsfree, and much more. To be honest, I have barely figured out
about 1/2 of the stuff on my phone, while hubby has attached his new
phone to the computer with the usb port and downloading/uploading
all kinds of things and partaking in his hi-tech addiction! Now we have
these movie theme and music ringtones, pictures galore, and lord
knows what else. Call him and you'll hear Spandau Ballet (yes, he likes
80's music too!) and for me you'll hear the theme to the movie
'American Beauty' (no, not my fave movie, just neat opening music)! I
guess the best thing of all is that with my cell being camera/video
ready, it will be available. if need be, to document any bizarre incident
or person at the restaurant; that alone should keep my Nokia busy!